The Full Range Session utilizes a combination of techniques. Includes clearing of the 7 Major Chakras, Consciousness Balancing, work in the Subconscious, Unconscious, Inner Child and Perceptual Field. (Sacred Clearing of the Auric Layers not included.)
The Divine Team wants to help you reach your goals! This technique includes deep energetic healing on three levels:
1. A Four Archangels Clearing of the seven layers of the Energy Field to remove expired energies and outdated beliefs about success, failure and prosperity.
2. Seven Major Chakra Clearing of emotional and energetic impediments to building momentum and reaching your goal(s).
3. Mind Balancing of fears that affect your ability to stay on course in your daily life.
- Mediumship
- Minor Energetic Healing
- Animal Communication & Healing (includes healing for Pets and their Human Companions)
- Dream Interpretation
- Entity Detachment or Spirit Removal from your Home (and closing the Portal)
- Relationship Analysis & Spiritual Counseling
- Understanding a loved one's thought processes and emotional landscape
- Synchronistic Interpretation (waking life events and how they reflect your consciousness)
- **Any other service not listed in the Primary Healing Sessions
**This does not include Channeling or private time with Yeshua and the Divine, nor does it include the Sacred or Ultra Clearing Methods.
For those with an Active case of Covid-19! We'll be working with the Higher Self and in the energy field to accelerate the body's releasing of the Covid-19 virus to speed your recovery. Minimize your down time and lingering issues. Heal from Covid Faster!
On behalf of Yeshua and The Divine Team, I’m excited to offer Enhanced Energetic Healing Techniques developed specifically for Covid-19. The Team and I wish to express our gratitude to those clients who allowed me to work with them before bringing this public.
These techniques are available to those who are either contemplating getting the vaccine (or a booster shot) or have an active case of Covid-19.
The work is performed in the energy field. We'll access the Higher Self, the subconscious and other areas to clear the way for:
- The harmonious assimilation of the vaccine into the body
- Alleviation of anxiety associated with getting the vaccine
- Reduction of the severity of possible side-effects of the vaccine, and
- For those who test positive, we will work to minimize the duration and severity of your symptoms.
Take a look at the descriptions below and choose the session you need. Scheduling for clients with active illnesses take priority over vaccine hesitance.
Vaccine Hesitance
Deciding whether or not to get the vaccine is stressful. The healing experience I can offer those with "Vaccine Hesitance" will help to clear out subconscious fears and other factors that would intensify emotional anxiety. This will help you make the best decision and, should you decide to move forward, you’ll know intuitively which vaccine is right for you, as well. In preparation for getting the vaccine or a booster shot, this technique emphasizes the abatement of possible physical side-effects.
The Higher Self and the wisdom of the body are accessed and aligned with the chemical serum of the vaccine. A message from The Divine Team: “We will work with the subconscious, which runs the physical body and its operations, to prepare the mind and body to work with the incoming agent.” We will do this for the benefit of the immune system and to bypass forms of conscious or unconscious rejection of the vaccine to the greatest extent possible. The goal here is to reduce the severity of any side-effects that may occur.
Accelerated Recovery from Covid-19
For those who test positive and are actively ill with Covid, during this healing session changes are made in the human energy field for Accelerated Recovery from Covid Symptoms. It will help to remove energetic blocks and beliefs being used to “hold” the illness inside the body. The Higher Self and the wisdom of the body are accessed to clear the pathways to allow the virus to move through on its course. The goal is to enhance the body’s ability to process the physical experience to expedite your recovery, while you retain the spiritual growth and self-awareness that your Higher Self wanted you to achieve.
The Team assures me that for those with underlying health conditions, special modifications will be made and that the medical community is having success with treating unexpected side effects.
Disclaimer: These sessions focus on energetic healing only and should not take the place of diagnosis or treatment by a medical professional. Individual results are based on the intentions you’ve set prior to the session.
Debra in Pennsylvania, who was really down and out with Covid symptoms (and all of the emotions that came with it), reports:
Oh, Charlotte!! It was an amazing shift! I felt it immediately!! I had a slow process to allow all my strength to come back...but no climbing out! I stayed with it!
My Covid symptoms at first were typical flu symptoms lasting for about 2 weeks. Strange as it was, I began to sense that there was a deeper struggle with the virus that was hitting me emotionally, mentally and spiritually! Charlotte and her team of Spiritual Warriors provided the necessary insight, grace, and support so that I could deeply understand how the virus and I needed to come to peace with this process of clearing and returning to my optimal health on ALL levels of my being!
Complicated as it seems, this virus packs a punch!! However, Charlotte and her team of warriors truly are the final medicine to end the sickness and return to wholeness!
How do you spell relief? Charlotte Spicer and her dedicated wisdom and compassion!
Thank you, Charlotte! You gave me enormous insight into the deeper hold the virus had on me!
Blessings and Much Love,
Debra H.
Malvern, PA